Mini Mouse cake

I must admit I was not the biggest fan of Disney and thought that it was over commercial and enticed children into believing that life is one big fairy tale. That is until I had my son, and then I got it.
There is something magical about sitting watching a Disney film with a young one and seeing their little faces as the magic unfolds on the screen in front of them.
So when I was asked to design a Disney themed cake I was full of ideas and wanted to encapsulate the essence of Disney is icing (if there is such a thing).
I first of all drew out a few ideas and passed them by the person I was making it for. They consisted of a castle, a fairy crown (with lots of sparkle) or a mini mouse cake. They settled on a Mini Mouse cake which I was really pleased about as this was the one design that I really wanted to make.
I worked out how much ingredients I would need to make the cake and off to the supermarket I went to stock up on my magic ingredients.
A couple of days before the cake was due I made the ears by cutting out 4 circles out of black sugar paste and sandwiched 2 lolly sticks in between 2 circles. I left them in a cool dry place to harden for a few days so that the would be easier to insert later on.
The main cake was 2x7" cakes (she wanted it a little smaller than my original design) and the head was made using a 1 litre Pyrex bowl that I greased well.
I used my tried and tested Madeira cake recipe that I have used loads and I know that it keeps well and is great as a stacking cake as it can handle a little weight.
I covered the base cake in 2 layers of vanilla butter cream and smoothed really well then covered with red fondant icing and white spots.
The Head was done in a similar way but I used a black fondant and spent a good 20 minutes smoothing out the bubbles and bumps so that a perfect dome was created.
Finally I added the ears and placed a plaque on the front.
I am quite a font freak and love a great font and I wanted to write her birthday message in the Disney font. So I found the font online and worked out a hand written version.
The result was spectacular and she was over the moon with my creation. This is a cake I would love to make time and time again.
